The Service Provision Screen allows users to specify the rules for service accrual during the provision period of a Service Definition.
- Period: use this area to define the effective period for this provision. Any service accruing during this period for a person will follow the rules defined for these provision screens.
- Service Rounding: choose the rounding Type and Unit to apply to service calculated. An Alternate Round Unit may also be defined, as well as the number of digits to round to for Repeating Decimals. The checkbox Apply remainder to next period will take the remaining amount of service not included in the rounded value and apply it to the following service period.
- Conditions Required for Accrual: this section allows the user to define which Accrual Indicators, or Historical Date types, permit a Participant to accrue service. By default, the system sets Employed as a condition, meaning that Participants will accrue service only while Employed. To also allow service accrual while on Leave of Absence, for example, add this condition as well in this section.
- Exclude service prior to payment of lump sum benefit: check this box if service prior to the date that a Person was paid a lump sum benefit (except for lump sums due to a return of contributions) is to be excluded.
- Exclude service prior to return of contributions: check this box if service prior to the date that a Person was paid a return of contributions is to be excluded.
- Breaks: press this button to open the Service Provision Break-in-Service screen.
- Service Type: area to indicate whether service accrual is determined by taking differences between accrual dates (Elapsed Time Calculation) or whether it depends upon Reported Amounts during some periodic interval.
- Elapsed Time Calculation: check this box if service accrual is determined by taking the difference between accrual start and accrual stop dates.
- Calculation Method: the following elapsed time service calculations are available:
- Standard (365): takes the difference between period start and period end in days, months and years and then divides the month difference by 12 and the days difference by 365.
- 360-day Year: treats each year as if it has 360 days, and each month as if it has 30 days. The period start date and period end date is then converted to days on this basis and the difference in days is derived. The service amount is then converted back to years by dividing the difference in days by 360.
- Worked in Month: gives credit for the whole month if any day during the month was worked. For example, if one was hired 01/30 and terminated 2/1, that person would get two months of service under this method (January and February).
- Standard (360): takes the difference in days, months and years and then divides the month difference by 12 and the days difference by 360.
- Standard (365.25): takes the difference in days, months and years and then divides the month difference by 12 and the days difference by 365.25.
- Days Diff (360): takes the difference in days between two dates and then divides this difference by 360.
- Days Diff (365): takes the difference in days between two dates and then divides this difference by 365.
- Days Diff (365.25): takes the difference in days between two dates and then divides this difference by 365.25.
- Worked Whole Month: gives credit for month if worked every day in month.
- Worked 15 Days: gives credit for month if worked 15 days in month.
- Worked 15 (360): gives credit for month if worked 15 days in month but assumes that every month has 30 days.
- Nearest Half (7,22): determines difference in years, months and days and then gives an additional month if the days difference is greater than 22 or an additional half month if the difference is less than or equal to 22 and greater than 7.
- Employed on 15th: gives credit for month if employed on the 15th of the month.
- Years/Days Diff: gives credit by first taking the difference in years and then taking the remaining difference in days, dividing by either 365 or 366 depending upon whether the service end date falls in a leap year.
- Standard (days/mo): takes difference in years and then months, and then takes the difference in days and divides by the number of days in the month of the final month.
- Worked Half Month: gives credit for month if worked at least half of the days in a given month (where the fraction is number of days worked in a month divided by the number of days in that month).
- Nearest half (10,21): determines difference in years, months and days and then gives an additional month if the days difference is greater than 21 or an additional half month if the difference is less than or equal to 21 and greater than 10.
- Work (months, day): determines service as the sum of the difference in completed months plus the fraction of any partial months determined as the ratio of working days accrued divided by working days in that month.
- Standard (30-Day Month): uses Standard (360) method (see above), but borrows 30 days when calculating day differences as opposed to using the number of days in the starting month.
- No Borrowing (365.25): takes differences in years, months/12, and days/365.25 in dates where both positive and negative values are allowed.
- Work (whole months): credits service for a month if all working days within that month were worked.
- Years/Days Diff (365): gives credit by first taking the difference in years and then taking the remaining difference in days, dividing by 365.
- Worked X Days: credits service for a period if worked X days in that period, where period frequency is a year when not using Reporting Periods, and the Calendar Anniversary is the month and day of the provision effective date. Define the number of days in the Value section below.
- Worked X Working Days: credits service for a period if worked X working days in that period, where period frequency is a year when not using Reporting Periods, and the Calendar Anniversary is the month and day of the provision effective date. Define the number of working days in the Value section below.
- Credited Service through End of Day: check this box if service accrual should be measured through the end of the end of the accrual stop date day. For example, if a person accrued service between 1/1 and 12/31 of some year, checking this box would result in a full year of accrual (rather than one day short of a full year).
- Credited Service through Weekend: if this box is checked and the service accrual stop date for a Person were to fall on a Friday, the service accrual would be changed to accrue through Sunday.
- Use Reporting Periods: check this box if service accrual depends upon Reported Amounts measured during period intervals.
- Reporting Periods: only applicable when Reported Amounts are used to determine service accrual, this area is used to specify how to determine service sub-periods. Within these separate sub-periods, reported amounts are measured to determine service accrual for that sub-period.
- Occur at regular intervals: choose this option if sub-periods are determined at regular intervals. Then specify the Frequency and Calendar Anniversary for determining these sub-periods.
- Occur on eligibility anniversary: select this option if each sub-period falls on the anniversary of the first date of eligibility for this Service Definition (uncommon).
- Reported Amounts: only applicable when Reported Amounts are used to determine service accrual, this area allows users to indicate which reported amounts are to be used for service accrual. Double-click on an item in the list to specify additional accrual rules for that reported amount.
- List: list allowing users to add, edit, and delete Reported Amounts to be used for accrual. Double-clicking an item will open the Service Reported Amount screen.
- Override accumulated service with: check this box to use another Reported Amount as an override of total service. If such a Reported Amount exists for a Person, then all service through the stop date of that amount will be overridden by the amount. A Person can have multiple Reported Amounts which will then separately override service up through each amount's stop date.
- Per-period maximum (in years): check this box and specify a maximum (in years) if there is a maximum amount per sub-period.
- Only treat periods with an actual termination date as last/final: if this box is checked, periods where service stops accruing will not be considered "last" periods unless there is a termination date defined within the period in the Historical Date section.
- Allow single-day periods: check this box to allow service periods with a start date and end date on the same day. By default, the system will disregard service periods of only one day.